Registers Exploration

作者 Solitea, a.s.

Connects to various data sources to get useful data for ERP system

The Register Exploring application enables the system to connect to multiple data sources from where it can download the useful data to streamline the work of end users.

Would you like to ease the process of creating of contacts, vendors and customers that come from Slovakia and Czechia? Do you pay your vendors to bank accounts that should be validated by Finančná správa SR?

The Register Exploring application makes the work associated with creating new contact, customer and vendor cards in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central more pleasant for users. After entering the company identifier, such as the Registration number, the functionalities of the app are connected to data sources in the Register právnických osôb, podnikateľov a orgánov verejnej moci or Administrativní registr ekonomických subjektů and the data is pulled into the cards, e.g. address information of the given contact, customer, vendor.

The application also allows searching in the daily updated list of bank accounts of VAT payers of the Finančná správa Slovenskej republiky and checks for validity of vendor's bank account..

The app allows users to:

  • Load the company data into contact cards, customers and suppliers from RPO
  • Load the company data into contact cards, customers and suppliers from ARES
  • Load the company data into contact cards, customers and suppliers from ORSR
  • Perform the check of the vendor's bank account against the list of VAT payers with bank account numbers, the check can be started manually or automatically using the job queue functionality
  • Information of the current status of bank account verification against the published list of VAT payers with bank accounts.

Application will be expanded in the future as more suitable data sources for ERP may become available.

Supported Editions
This app supports the Essential and Premium edition of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported Countries

Supported Languages

Slovak (Slovakia), English (United States)
